

3 June 2021

JMESPath is a query language for JSON. WIth it you can script searching large JSON datasets and transform the results.A search can be as simple as a single field name. result would return the object attached to the result field at the top level of a JSON file. This can be specialized to return an object inside result by added a dot and then another field name eg result.object.Queries can index arrays as followsWhich will return the name field…

28 February 2021

Along with Hummingbird, my web application framework, comes HummingbirdLambda. This allows you to take your Hummingbird application and run it on an AWS Lambda with API Gateway as an interface.As long as all the services your application uses are accessible from AWS Lambda and your application doesn't have any internal persistent state moving to Lambda should be fairly easy. You should be able to move your application setup, middleware,…

7 December 2020

Soto v5.0.0 was released today. It includes many great new features some of which were previewed here. You can get the full change list for the release here.Along with the new release of Soto there is also a new website soto.codes. Please check it out. This will be a place to review reference and user-guides style documentation for Soto. There will be a…

13 September 2020

Amazon Web Services have asked we stop using the name AWS SDK Swift. To protect their trademark and avoid any confusion that AWS SDK Swift might be sponsored by or affiliated with AWS they asked we rename the project.How do you name a project that is a Swift SDK for AWS? The suggestion from Amazon was exactly that "Swift-only SDK for AWS". But that sounds like a description not a project name. The AWS Python SDK is called "boto", which is a fresh water dolphin native to the Amazon river. A number of open…

21 August 2020

What is most likely the final 5.0 alpha of Soto has been released. We are almost feature complete. This article covers some of the new features to be found in version 5.0. Below we cover streaming of request and response payloads, credential providers and Codable support for DynamoDB.With v5.0 it is possible to stream both the bodies of requests and responses, thus allowing the user to upload/download large objects without having to store the…